SANCS History

In 1985, Jane made her first trip to China which left her with a love and burden for the people. She returned annually travelling to different places throughout all of China. Through her contact with a successful publisher who had come from poverty in the Chinese countryside and seeing some photos of the poverty among the children she began to search out ways to help. First she sent money to Project Hope to help provide education for poor children in China, then she met with one of their leaders and visited the countryside herself. While there she met some of the children she had been supporting. She began to awaken at night with ideas of how to help. She felt surely she could rent a house and hire some retired women to act as mothers. She knew she needed to do more research and yet the only way to remain long enough in China was to teach so as to have a resident permit. So in 1994 she accepted a teaching position in Zhengzhou during which time she made her second trip deep into the mountains of one of China’s poorest places. She returned home that summer with the intention of spending the year accumulating some support. With the donation of $10,000 and the meeting of the leader of XinMi who wanted to help their poor children she began to collaborate with the Chinese government on providing homes for China’s countryside orphan children.

Since 1996, SANCS has been helping Chinese peasant orphan children by providing a home, clothes, love and care as well as providing the means for them to attend the public school. With little money and much hope for these needy little children we rented an apartment where they were able to live as a family with brothers and sisters.

Two live-in- caretakers were hired to act as mothers sand it quickly became a close knit loving home. This arrangement worked wonderfully and formed the pattern that we have followed throughout the years

Our Second Home Opened

Our first home was an immediate success and through it, we received much coverage by both the television and the news media throughout all of the country of China. In 1998, Newsweek magazine in America and in Japan featured SANCS’s home in an article.

Six months after our first home opened we had enough additional support to open a second home and helped eight more orphans.

Our second home was opened in February, 1997. We followed the same plan as with the first home and gave four boys and four girls a new life.

Each home functioned as a family with their own brothers. sisters and mothers and quickly became a close knit loving home.

Our New SANCS Home Built

In October, 1999 we completed the construction of our own home paid for cooperatively with a gift from an American friend and the Chinese government. At this time we were able to open our third home. 

As of the spring of 2011 we had provided a home for 78 orphan children with 36 children living in our home. Three of them are attending and studying at universities. Two of them are in technical high school. We will always help more children as we have more support. If you would like more information about how you could help, see our web page on Ways to help.
